Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Colorful" Penguin

This adorable penguin cake has a colorful secret . . . its center is the rainbow! Inside this penguin’s belly is a vanilla flavored cake (two layers total). One layer was dyed orange, yellow, and red; the other, purple, blue, and green. (It is done this way prior to baking; one just divides the batter into sixths, dying each section till the desired color. Once this is done, pour three colors [similar to what I did to make it more cohesive] into a pan, DO NOT STIR! Tap the pan if there are air bubbles, and then bake regularly.) Believe me, it is awesome. : )  Take a look for yourself:
Once I baked the cakes, I filled the layers with whipped cream frosting and cut it into my desired shape, and then finished icing the cake with the whipped cream.
 I know I have said not to use whipped cream and fondant together because it makes it mushy, soft, and not so pretty, well . . . I did it again, but remember it seems to work best when it is 50/50 fondant and gumpaste mixed together. After covering the cake with the fondant/gumpaste mixture I added the finishing touches and whala! An adorable, “colorful” penguin cake : )



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